State Auditor Stacey Pickering Recovers Over $2.3 Million in 15 Months

April 6, 2009

JACKSON- During difficult economic times for Mississippians as well as state and local government, State Auditor Stacey Pickering has recovered $2,353,422 since taking office January 10, 2008.

Prior to 2008, the State Auditor’s Office recovered, on average, $922,000 a year. While the State Auditor’s Office has seen an increase in fraud cases, State Auditor Pickering continues to stress to local and state government employees that no one is above the law and that everyone will be held accountable for their actions.

The recovery has involved cases of embezzlement, misuse of funds and errors within government. Over $500,000 of the funds were recovered from the failed beef plant investigation which initiated in the State Auditor’s Office before the task force was formed. The beef plant funds were returned to the State’s general fund for appropriation by the Legislature. The funds demanded and recovered by the State Auditor’s Office have ranged from several hundred dollars to over $300,000. Individuals are issued demands by the State Auditor’s Office when the investigation determines that there has been a loss of public funds. Some cases are pursued for criminal charges by the local district attorneys and if found guilty, the Court often orders restitution.

“As public employees, we answer to the taxpayers of Mississippi,” said State Auditor Stacey Pickering. “Individuals who embezzle funds from local and state government must be held to the highest level of accountability and I am working to provide more oversight and transparency in government in Mississippi. The work to recover these funds would not be possible without the help and support of the district attorneys across Mississippi.

“The DA’s take accountability to a higher level by seeking criminal charges against the individuals who have stolen from Mississippi taxpayers, and I appreciate their support of our special agents and the commitment to creating a better Mississippi.”
