State Auditor Conducts Emergency Cash Count of Clarke County Circuit Clerk’s Office

April 4, 2011

JACKSON- State Auditor Stacey Pickering met with members of the Clarke County Board of Supervisors today to inform them of an emergency cash count that began earlier today in the Circuit Clerk’s office.

Financial audits since FY 2004 indicate the bank statements of the three accounts have not been reconciled. In addition, the Circuit Clerk has not made timely settlements; maintained adequate subsidiary ledgers of fines received; maintained an accurate bond listing; or prepared Sept. 30 FY report identifying the distribution of all funds held by the Clerk.

“I met with the Board of Supervisors in Clarke County today and made them aware of the problems in the Circuit Clerk’s Office and instructed them to immediately hire a CPA to bring the findings of the Circuit Clerk into compliance and recreate the books to settle existing funds in the accounts,” said State Auditor Stacey Pickering.  “This is the third county in the last 30 days that my office has gone into and found problems with the financial record keeping that is mandated by State Law.  Laws governing local and state governments are meant to protect the taxpayers because poor record keeping and lack of management can often lead to enhanced opportunity to commit fraud.”

A cash count was conducted and cut-off statements were requested of the current clerk’s accounts from the local financial institution. New accounts were opened allowing the County to have a fresh start with adequate records and reconciled accounts. The Board of Supervisors was instructed to immediately hire a CPA to bring the findings of the Circuit Clerk into compliance at the expense of the county. The Board has the option of filing against the bond of the Circuit Clerk to cover the expense.
