Demand Issued on Former Yazoo County Chancery Clerk

March 12, 2009

JACKSON- State Auditor Stacey Pickering recently issued a demand to Noreene Girard, former Chancery Clerk in Yazoo County, for $72,366.53, the balance of a fee cap violation.

Auditors in the State Auditor’s County Audit Division discovered the exception during the Fiscal Year End September 30, 2007 audit and referred the case to the Investigations Division.

After an investigation by the State Auditor’s Office, records showed that Girard exceeded the fee cap by $115,963 for calendar year 2007. Girard repaid $49,500 leaving a remaining balance of $66,463. The demand issued on February 26, 2009, includes $4,652.41 in interest and $1,251.12 in investigative costs bringing the total of the demand to $72,366.53.

“The State Auditor’s Technical Assistance Division trains local officials including Chancery Clerks on how to run their office and work within in the law,” said State Auditor Stacey Pickering. “This is one of the examples of how investigations are opened in our office. The auditors in our County Audit Division discovered this violation during a routine audit.

“This case should serve as a reminder to all elected officials that are paid through the fee system. Our auditors are trained to audit your books and will be looking for violations such as exceeding the fee cap. No one is above the law.”
